Lawrence Man Arrested for Assaulting & Blinding Infant Son

Emanuel Quadros, 32, was arrested this past Tuesday on Massachusetts Domestic Violence Charges after he allegedly assaulted his 3 week old infant son. Quadros was charged with Aggravated Assault & Battery, Causing Serious Injuries.

According to the Lawrence Police Department, Emanuel Quadros allegedly admitted to striking and injuring his infant son last May, which left the child with broken ribs and permanent brain injuries resulting in blindness and possible confinement to a wheelchair.

Quadros was arraigned yesterday in Lawrence District Court and held on $75,000 cash bail.

Boston Criminal Lawyer Lefteris K. Travayiakis is available 24/7 for consultation on all Massachusetts Domestic Violence Charges, including Aggravated Assault & Battery.

To schedule a Free Consultation, Click Here to Contact a Boston Criminal Lawyer or call 617-325-9500.

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